Wednesday, February 22, 2012

"1988 Honda Civic DX: How To Replace The Windshield Wiper Switch"

Black 1988 Honda Civic DX Front Left View

How can I replace the windshield wiper switch on an 1988 Honda Civic DX? OK I need your help, I need to get the steering wheel off to put the wiper switch in, how can I do that with out messing up anything?

Answer: It is not a difficult job but I would recommend going to an auto parts store or online and ordering yourself a Haynes service manual for the car, that will give you step-by-step instructions with pictures and everything and make the job much simpler. You will also need to purchase a steering wheel puller, most auto parts stores should also have these, they can be had reasonably inexpensively, the wheel is on a tapered and splinted shaft in the column and when the nut gets installed after the wheel it press-fit’s it onto the spines making it virtually impossible to remove without a puller or damaging the wheel trying to do it without a puller.

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