Thursday, July 5, 2012

"1995 Chevrolet Suburban: Engine Overheat Problems"

1995 Chevrolet Suburban Offroad

Why does my 1995 Chevrolet Suburban engine overheat and only blow hot air when accelerating? Radiator is full with correct Dexcool/water blend, Overflow tank was also full at the “hot” level, and there’s plenty of oil, though it is time for an oil change according to the books. Can someone help me?

Answer: At higher speeds more air would enter your radiator and cool it down. And the higher pressure would open the thermostat. It’s about $6 and that’s being expensive. Shouldn’t be hard to change either. I take mine out in hot weather, but I don’t have fuel injection, so it doesn’t matter. Other that there’s not much else it could be. Hope it help you

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