Monday, August 13, 2012

"White Smoke Coming Out from 2008 Subaru WRX Exhaust Pipes"

White 2008 Subaru WRX

I have a 2008 Subaru WRX sedan, and after parking back at my apartment on a really cold day, I noticed that one of the exhaust pipes had some white smoke coming out of it. It didn’t have a smell that I noticed (at the same time though, I do have a cold, so I may have not been able to smell it) but it flowed through the air more like smoke does than steam. The car is well maintained with all liquids changed regularly. Any ideas of what it may be?
Question from Hakuna in Colorado

Answer: If its only on really cold days its probably only condensation and no cause for concern. If it was steam it would be caused by coolant entering the combustion chambers. You could get a garage to do a test for this using a head gasket sniffer. Unusual to get white smoke from a petrol engine that isn’t water vapour of some sorts. Most likely just harmless condensation! Does it cleasr as it warms? If it clears after a few minutes / miles and you arent losing any coolant then no need to worry!

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