Sunday, April 1, 2012

"2007 Cadillac CTS GPS Maps: Factory or Audio Store?"

2007 Cadillac CTS Red Front View

Recently I move to a new town and I want to install a new maps on my 2007 Cadillac CTS GPS. Does the factory GPS can be installed to my GPS device? Or does an audio store would be make it more cheaper and easier to be done? I need your suggestion. Many thanks before.

Answer: Yes, it is possible to be done. but I beliec it’s gonna be complex operation to integrate a factory system into your Cadillac CTS when you didn’t come from the factory that way. I have seen online where truck owners have upgraded to the factory delphi gps/radio units. Most of the purchased them off of craigslist or ebay for about 500 – 1000 dollars just for the head unit. Then you have to have the Bose Amplifier in your vehicle as well for it to work properly. Installing the parts is pretty straight forward, where it starts to get hairy is when you take it into the dealership to have it programed to your vehicle (which all GM Electronics have to “learn” the vin code and program for your vehicle).
In short, for a couple hundred dollars you can go out and buy a top of the line GPS, and then you can take it with you no matter what vehicle you have. It is way easier than trying to retro-fit one in. Or, in other way You could always consider trading your Cadillac CTS in for one that has the factory GPS.
Hope this helps

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