Tuesday, May 1, 2012

"2002 Audi A4: Radiator Leak Problems"

2002 Audi A4 Rear View

I want to know how much would it be to get a radiator leak fixed on Audi A4 2002? And if I’m doing that, is it worth getting the timing belt done at the same time if it was never done?
Answer: Are you sure it is the radiator and where on the radiator? Most leaks in aluminum radiators are not fixable and the plastic side panels are difficult to repair too, best bet is a new radiator from a parts shop make sure it isn’t one of the hoses there are a few. The timing belt has nothing to do with the radiator but if your car has not had one then get it done and get a new water pump, idler and tensioner at the same time.

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